Thursday, July 30, 2009

Paddle Journey

Coastal natives around the area paddle into town on a communal trip throughout our inland watters. I like this concept, and wish more types of trips like this were organized, motorcycle, hike, bicycle etc. Communal journeys would bring a lot of folks together.

Tuesday, July 14, 2009

The Mini at shows

My other blog I go into greater details, if you see me around town feel free to flag me down for a chat, I would love to talk about PA (Port Angeles) and give you advice about what to do around here.

Monday, July 13, 2009

Ruddell Car show

I was expecting the typical car show, lots of car guys, food, and some families and their kids. There was so much more than I had expected, so many more people, good burgers. I will go back next year. The highlights were Don Grimsleys' Road Runner, and Finks' 55" Chevy. Beautiful rigs all. I hope the kids had fun getting to know the Mini, I always like when they get in and say "I could drive this car!" See you next year 2nd Friday in July.

Port Angeles Culture

I believe the people that have lived in this area share common needs (beyond staying dry) that have created a character, and culture worthy of preservation.