Monday, May 14, 2012

Doncha love the smell of manuer in the morning

You know your a country girl when you are sitting on the back step blogging away while at the same time watching your chickens free range. This day almost seems like a miracle due to it's unnatural warmth for Port Angeles. The sun is shining and there is only one thing to do when that happens... Buy popsicles. My tongue is red and I am happy. Part of the reason, actually all of the reason I have not been blogging is because I am in a play. A most depressing subject, but one many young children seem to not know about. The play is titled And Then They Came For Me. It is about the holocaust. P.A.H.S Thespian Society director likes challenging material. Anywho, tomorrow is out last performance so after I will have a less busy schedule which means more blogging!Wish me luck on this last performance. Summer is finally coming!

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Port Angeles Culture

I believe the people that have lived in this area share common needs (beyond staying dry) that have created a character, and culture worthy of preservation.